Posted by: Samantha | Moving Peaces | April 6, 2011

False Alarm

After a good long day, it’s natural to want nothing more than a good long shower. That’s just what I decided to do earlier this evening. Right about now, you may be wondering where this post is going. Well, let me assure you that it does not dwell too much longer on my shower, however it does play a part in this story.

So there I am in the shower when suddenly, it sounds like a truck is backing up into our house. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

I think to myself – Are we about to find ourselves surrounded by a pile of ruble as a truck crushes our tiny little house? What the heck is going on here? We have a chain link fence for goodness sake!


I poke my head out, half expecting to see a truck on my bath rug. Instead I seeing Scott pulling a battery out of the smoke alarm. Well, great. Problem solved. Wait, what?! Ack! Is there a fire? Are you really expecting me to run for my life and expose myself to our incredibly busy street?

Jumping out of the shower, I grab a robe and then return to turn off the water. If you haven’t caught on yet, it was one of those slow-motion frantic moments. But the beeping stopped…so was there a fire? Feeling cold and without shampoo, I returned to the shower and demanded Scott double check the house for flames. If you’ve been to our house, you’d know how ridiculous of a request this was.

Two seconds later I hear, “STATUS UPDATE: No fire in the living room!”

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